Count Play Explore Professional Learning and Coaching Cohort Application
The Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, Early Care and Education Department (FCSS) is accepting applications to participate in the Count Play Explore Professional Learning and Coaching Cohort (CPE PLC Cohort). Applications are being sought from agencies across California including County Offices of Education, School Districts, non-profit organizations, and other organizations that provide technical assistance, training/professional development, coaching, or other capacity-building support for the early care and education (ECE) workforce in California.
This opportunity is designed to build capacity in early mathematics and science (including computer science) education for those who provide coaching and training for ECE professionals who serve children from birth to 3rd grade. Moreover, CPE will engage facilitators in developing awareness and capacity to utilize effective community resources in improving mathematics and science education, implementation plans, and tools and practices to leverage community resources in improving mathematics and science education in their own early learning contexts across the state.
Up to thirty agencies will be selected via an application process to participate in the CPE PLC Cohort and will receive $350,000.00 to support their full participation in the entire project period – from April 2025 to December 2027.
Applications are due January 17, 2025, at 5 pm. Agencies are encouraged to review the full list of questions before beginning this application. You can find the list of questions here. You may not respond to all questions listed on the pdf copy as some items populate based on previous responses.
If you have any questions, please contact Naomi Reeley at
Activities & Dates
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: How can the funding be used?
Answer: Funding can be used to support the planning and implementation of the professional learning and coaching cohort, which may include professional learning and coaching sessions, stipends for educators, resources, and materials for educators, and family and community engagement resources and materials. Restrictions associated with state funding apply; non-allowable expenses include food, large equipment, construction services, vehicles, etc.
Question 2: Do we need to submit a budget in the application?
Answer: A line-item budget is not required. This is not a grant application; rather, funds provided to awarded agencies would support participation in the CPE Professional Learning and Coaching Cohort and perform the required deliverables.
Question 3: Is $350,000 dispersed over the entire life of the grant (4/25/-12/27)?
Answer: Yes, funding will be dispersed throughout the project period on a quaterly basis.
Question 4: Question 3, the first narrative question, cites a limit of no more than 700 words. Do the other narrative questions include the same word limit? If not, are you able to let us know the character/word limit?
Answer: For Question 3, we have established a word limit of 700 words. However, the other narrative questions do not have specific word limits. We encourage applicants to provide concise and focused responses, emphasizing only the most relevant information. While we do not impose strict word limits for these other questions, we ask that you use your discretion to craft clear, thoughtful answers that effectively address the prompts.
Question 5: Is indirect allowed?
Answer: Yes, indirect is allowed at the agency’s approved rate.
Question 6: Can facilitators change over the project period?
Answer: We strongly encourage agencies to maintain the same facilitators throughout the project period to ensure consistency. However, we understand that circumstances may arise preventing a facilitator from continuing. In such cases, we request that their spot be filled by another facilitator.
Question 7: Who is required to attend the in-person institute each spring?
Answer: The team assigned to support/coordinate the CPE Professional Learning and Coaching Cohort is required to attend the in-person institute each spring. The in-person institute from June 2, 2025, to June 06, 2025, will take place in Fresno, California. The following in-person institutes (which will all take place in Fresno, California) will be scheduled with advanced notice and sent out to the facilitators.
Question 8: What if I accidentally submit an incomplete application?
Answer: Please resubmit a complete application. We will only consider one application per agency and will review the most recently submitted application. If you accidentally submit an incomplete application, please reach out to Naomi Reeley via email at
Question 9: Is the $350,000 dispersed over the entire life of the project (4/25/-12/27)?
Answer: Yes - $350,000 will be dispersed over the entire life of the project; further, the $350,000 will be evenly distributed through quarterly invoices starting after Quarter 1, April 2025 to June 2025.
Question 10: Must the 20 teachers trained be different from year to year or the same teachers for both years?
Answer: We strongly encourage agencies to maintain the same 20 educators throughout the project period to ensure consistency. However, we understand that circumstances may arise preventing an educator from continuing. In such cases, we request that their spot be filled by another educator.
Question 11: The application states that agencies must commit to providing 20 hours of professional learning and coaching to 20 ECE professionals each school year. Can you clarify if that is 20 hours for each of the 20 providers, or 20 hours of total coaching time (but must reach at least 20 providers)?
Answer: The commitment involves providing 20 hours of professional development for each of the 20 educators per school year, including the 2025–2026 and 2026–2027 academic years.
Our goal is for each educator to participate in a minimum of 20 hours of professional development in early math and science within one year. This will include a mix of professional learning sessions and coaching opportunities. Coaching sessions may be conducted one-on-one, in group settings, or through other flexible formats based on participant need and accessibility.
Question 12: What are the reporting requirements?
Answer: Reporting requirements include the submission of a quarterly invoice, which will include a brief summary of all work completed during the reporting quarter. Facilitators will participate in evaluation activities, which may include (but are not limited to) pre- and post-surveys, focus groups, complementing implementation logs, and/or interviews. We are also requiring agency teams (including leadership) to attend two virtual meetings per year with CPE leadership to discuss program updates, cohort deliverables, and updates about local implementation.
Question 13: Can multiple agencies in the same region and/or county apply together?
Answer: Yes multiple agencies can apply together. One agency must serve as the lead and fiscal agent. Please indicate this in the application.